
Logan gets a haircut – puppy hairdressers

So yesterday was Logan’s first photo shoot, have a wee peek here! And today scruff pup gets all his hair chopped off so he’s looking sleek and stylish again, ready for spring!


What a big adventure! But after all the excitement of yesterday Logie decided he wasn’t feeling so well and decided that he was going to get puppy sick ALL over my jeans, euch! Luckily we were almost there…


We arrived at Pampered Paws and I cleaned myself up as Logan was taken away and bathed in beautiful smelling bubbles and treated to a gorgeous new puppy-do. Could probably have done with that myself!


Out he came looking fabulous and here are a few snaps from when we got home and he was able to show off his hidden tiger stripes and lovely new jumper which his mummy bought for him in London.

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